Ask your roofing contractor how much down payment they require. If they demand a large amount of money upfront, run the other way. Legitimate contractors rarely require this. However, some contractors are more willing to take a small down payment before starting work on your home. You should also avoid contractors who ask for full payment up front. These are called storm chasers, and they typically hop from town to town, asking for money to do repairs and then disappearing before they have finished the job.

A home equity loan is another option. This type of loan gives borrowers six months interest-free time and allows them to defer payments for a set period. This can be very convenient if you're planning to complete the project in a short time, or if you're paying for it in smaller installments. However, home equity loans have significant drawbacks, so be sure to research your options carefully.

When you're paying a roofing contractor, it's important to avoid complete prepayments. Some roofing contractors prefer to take partial payments as the job is completed. While this may seem like an obvious choice, many roofers don't want to start work on a home before getting paid in full. You can try to work out a payment schedule before hand, though. If possible, include a payment schedule in the contract, so that you can be sure that everything is done on time.

The amount of deposit required by a roofing contractor depends on the type of project. A large job, a metal roof, or materials that are custom-ordered, will require a larger deposit than a simple, standard job. A smaller amount is fine for a small job. A larger project, such as a large commercial roof, can take several weeks or months. A progress payment may be necessary in these cases to secure large orders of materials and labor expenses. Whether you choose to pay a deposit or pay the entire job at once, it's best to write a check or make a credit card payment. In this case, it's easy to track payments with a check, but you shouldn't pay with cash because it's more difficult to trace.