What Is EPDM Roofing Material?
If you are asking yourself: "What is EPDM roofing material?", you may be unsure of the difference between EPDM and TPO. EPDM roofing is made of a thermoplastic polyolefin compound that is a mixture of ethylene and propene. Its lifetime is determined by its thickness and the method of attachment. Fully adhered EPDM roofing can last 35 years, while 45-mil ballasted EPDM roofing can last for fifteen years. metal roofingEPDM is an excellent choice for roofing because it is inexpensive and easy to install. EPDM is also made from recycled materials, which means it is environmentally friendly. EPDM is also a durable material that will last for many years and requires minimal maintenance. The rubber is also easy to repair, making it a good option for homes that require a sturdy roofing material. Here are some advantages of EPDM:
EPDM is the least expensive of the three types of thermoplastic membranes. It is manufactured in large rolls and sheets, meaning less seams will fail and leaks will be minimal. In addition, EPDM can cover a larger area more quickly than other types of roofing. It is also resistant to petroleum-based products. This makes it a better choice than other types of roofing. However, EPDM is not the perfect choice for all applications.
EPDM sheets are black in color. This is because they are made from carbon black, which is almost pure carbon refined from petroleum or coal. Carbon black adds strength to the polymeric chemical bonds of the EPDM. Carbon black also blocks harmful UV rays, which makes EPDM a great choice for roofs in both cold and hot climates. Because EPDM is lightweight, the material lasts a long time and is affordable.
EPDM is the least expensive roofing material. If your roof was constructed in the past few years, it probably has an EPDM roofing material. However, there are tradeoffs. You should compare EPDM with other types of roofing to determine whether it is right for your home. Its benefits outweigh its disadvantages, so consider other options before you choose EPDM. This material is a good option for flat roofs.
EPDM roofing is lightweight. It requires little maintenance. However, some EPDM roofing requires an acrylic paint job about once every decade. This process will keep the color vibrant for a decade or two. Cleaning is also necessary on an EPDM roof. Cleaning should be done regularly and inspections should be performed on a regular basis. The EPDM roofing membrane should be free of debris and any other materials that can damage it.EPDM rubber sheets can come in a variety of sizes. Large roof installations generally use 10 ft. by 100 ft. sheets, but smaller pieces are available online. Standard membrane thicknesses are 45 mil, 60 mil, and 90 mil. EPDM with polyester scrim reinforcement is 75 mil thick. The thickness will depend on the application. Once installed, the membrane will adhere to the substrate. However, it may need some maintenance or repairs.
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