Average Education level of the population of Powell OH

Average Education Level of the Population of Powell OH

In Powell, Ohio, the average education level of the population is high. In this study, the Average Education Level for the population of Powell, OH was calculated based on the Common Core Data available for Public Elementary through Secondary Schools. The data shows that 99% of adults in Powell have a high school degree or higher. The highest percentage is seen among those with a PhD or higher education, followed by those with at least a master’s degree. roofing near me

Powell is less likely than the average Ohio city to have a low rate of poverty. It has a poverty rate of 5.9%, while the national poverty rate stands at 14.1%. That means that one in every three people in Ohio live below the poverty line. The Census also shows that 6.4% of the civilians aged 18 and older are veterans, compared to 8.1% for the state of Ohio.

The average education level for the population of Powell is above the average of the state and country. Those living in Powell are more likely to have a bachelor’s degree than their counterparts in the nearby city of Dublin. The average education level of the population of Powell is higher than the average education level in Ohio.

Powell, Ohio is a city in Delaware County, Ohio. It has a population of 14,695 and is projected to grow at a rate of 1.84% each year. The median home price in Powell is $386,200. Powell residents are 38 years old, with males being slightly younger.

There are a number of recreational activities in Powell. For instance, the Powell Parks and Recreation Department offers different classes. Residents can register online for winter/spring classes beginning on Monday, Jan. 10, while non-residents can register on Wednesday, Jan. 12. The department website will update class offerings as they are available. Visitors can also enjoy the Powell Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area, which is open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The median income of the population of Powell, Ohio is $157,149. The majority of Powell homes are owner-occupied, with only 2.7% of households renting a property. Powell has a low rate of homelessness, but it is still higher than the national average. The Powell Public Service Department clears the streets of snow and ice during winter. The service department also prioritizes primary streets first. Powell is also home to a number of parkways.

Powell was founded in 1801. The first settlers arrived on May 1, 1801. Thomas R. Hall was given land in the area. By 1813, the settlement was known as Middlebury. Its name may have derived from early settlers from Middlebury, Connecticut. The town still has many references to its Middlebury heritage.

Powell is home to a private swim club, Powell Pool, which was built in 1995 after local residents complained about the lack of a community pool. The pool included a 165 foot water slide, a zero entry area, and a toddler wading pool. The pool also included eight lanes of swimming and was designed for lap swimming.

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